Tuesday, October 30, 2007

CG day 5 -- MC day 3, 4

My curly girl challenge is going well. I think I will just update periodically from now on and not worry about posting a picture every day. Apparently my hair is curly, 'nough said. :D But just in case you were actually curious here is a picture for you. Dh and I took Sybil to a local indoor water park today and I took my Hot Six Oil with me to give it some extra conditioning. Its a little stringier and oilier today but I think tomorrow I will give it a lemon rinse, and all will be well with the world. I also didn't bring any clips with me to clip it up so it has less volume than I would like but that's okay.


Master Cleanse Day 3

Again last night I had strange dreams. The only thing I really remember was my dream about the movie 12 Monkeys. It was like I was in the movie as a first person, but as if it wasn't a dream. Strange. I watched the movie a few weeks ago and haven't really been able to really get it out of my mind. I keep thinking about all the different scenarios that could have happened. The movie is a sci-fi flick that about a virus that wipes out almost the entire world's population and the main character Bruce Willis is sent back in time to try to obtain a sample of the virus so they can make a cure for it in the future. Anyway, its a pretty good movie IMO, but there is some nudity on Bruno's part (he is supposed to be nude to go thru their time machine) and would definitely not be suitable for anyone who is not considered the 'mature' audience category.

This morning I woke with only a slightly groggy feeling and didn't feel dizzy or light headed when I stood up. I also noticed that my muscles weren't as sore this morning.

I weighed in at 186 which is down 7 lbs already. Dh, dd and I are going swimming this afternoon so I'm curious to see how sore my muscles get from it. Maybe not too bad but since I'm cleansing it might draw out MORE toxins.


Master Cleanse Day 4

I'm off to a slow start today. Only a little bit sore from yesterday and mostly feeling weak. I did juice some apples and cranberries which was mighty tasty. :D Not too long afterward I needed to go to the bathroom. My BM was extremely smelly, black, and clumped together. It floated also and there was what looked like oil floating in the water also. This does not normally happen for me so I wonder what exactly that was? Typically its an amber color, loose and, sinks to the bottom of the bowl.

Later today when my daughter takes her nap I will do an enema. And I think either tomorrow or Friday I will do a body specific flush (either kidney or gallbladder).

On a side note, the whites of my eyes have been more yellow since I started this cleanse and that is really bothering me. Here is a picture. Not sure if you can tell but the corners are especially red and yellow-ey.

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